Pisces Daily Forecast

You’ve always tended toward objectivity, and are far more prone to erring on the side of rationality than sentimentality. At the moment, though, you’re feeling like a regular Hallmark special — not even a little shy about spouting phrases you would have made fun of not too long ago. It’s all thanks to a new burst of emotion that is taking everyone around you by surprise. Revel in it!
In order to experience clarity of thinking, it’s helpful to stop holding on to every thought that pops in your head. Practice meditation and focus on topics like love, health, and friendship.
Not only is it impossible to manage every aspect of your relationship right now, it’s not even desirable. Some important evolution is occurring, and it’s best to respond naturally instead of trying to control it.
As the slices of pie get smaller and smaller, it gets harder and harder to find enough to share, much less someone to share it with. Focus on your innermost self instead when wondering what you have to offer.