Pisces Daily Forecast

No matter who you associate with or how long you’ve actually been part of a group, ever notice that you just can’t seem to avoid being put in charge of something? You’re probably used to it by now, and at least half of you actually enjoys it. But that doesn’t mean you wouldn’t enjoy a day off every now and then to relax and let someone else take charge. Here’s your chance. Just say no!
Being surrounded by the beauty of nature is a sure way to make you happy. Spending some time in a garden will lift your spirits. And flirting with the fellow nature lovers you meet there will have you glowing too.
Your relationship is like a screwball comedy now: witty repartee, absurd situations, and spicy romance in the unlikeliest of places. Being in love with a person makes you fall in love with life.
You still have responsibilities to the rest of society, even though your instincts are to take care of only you and yours. Consider debts to be family obligations and you’ll feel connected to all the strangers around you.