Sagittarius Daily Forecast

To you, nothing exceeds like excess. If one is good, then two is better, and a thousand or more would probably be just terrific! At the moment, this trait is making itself known in your personal relationships. If you’re already involved, your lavish extravagance is quite flattering. If you’re single, be sure you don’t endanger a friendship or new relationship by pushing the envelope too far too quickly.
Your sparkling personality is irresistible to you know who – or do you? Someone has a crush on you, and your zesty high spirits draw them even further into your charming web. Love is a definite possibility.
Things are going just as well as they could now, but it still wouldn’t hurt to cut back your expectations. Love won’t exactly go your way right now, so if you don’t want to be disappointed, don’t hold on too tightly.
You seem to have exhausted your money-making options close to home. Start exploring other neighborhoods and other cultures if you want to find the next best place to make a dime.