Sagittarius Daily Forecast

Everyone makes mistakes, and you should remember that today when someone who once hurt you comes back into your life. Will you choose to hold on to your anger or let go of the past and give them one more chance? Do for them what you’d want them to do for you if the roles were reversed. Listen to what they say and give them the benefit of the doubt. The stars say that forgiveness is a wise course now. Remember that forgiving isn’t the same as forgetting. It’s better.
Give into your intellectual side today by watching something a bit more profound than reality shows. Watch a science special or a political documentary. Then impress others with your knowledge.
Butting heads with your partner? It’s easy to let egos get in the way during a spat. Approach the problem with the option for compromise instead of full-out war and you might just find some common ground.
You want to do nothing that reminds you of money. Find like minded people to hang with for the day. If you can’t think of a group that already exists, organize one on your own.