Sagittarius Daily Forecast
Yoy could get some good news today. In fact, it might send you over the moon! You need to be careful not to let your enthusiasm distract you too much from the business at hand, but when you get the chance you should spread the great news to the people in your life who love to celebrate with you. Send out some messages and let everyone know why you’re so happy right now. You will make them happy too. They won’t think you’re bragging. They’ll think you’re sharing.
Technology can make mundane tasks fly by, but don’t use it as a substitute for real face-to-face communication with that certain someone you’ve had your eye on. Take the next step off-line.
Something small has been bugging you recently and only now do you see the simple solution. Try to make sure that you’re seeing both sides of the situation, but you do have to get what you need.
Cutting back on services is just the beginning. If it helps you see how cushy your life still is, imagine what living on the prairie must have been like. Then circle the wagons and hunker down.