Scorpio Daily Forecast

This is a great day to sit back and admire your handiwork. You need to register your success in your own mind. What other people say is nice, but it isn’t important ultimately. You’ve done very well recently, and although you have received a good amount of credit, you should take some time to give yourself a real reward. Go out and splurge on something for yourself like a trip to a spa, new gadget , or maybe spectacular dinner. Whatever you choose, make it memorable.
The signals you’ve been getting from your crush are unclear. You may be tempted to ask what’s going on, but now is not the time. Try to hang tight for a little while longer.
Keen observation proves valuable to you today. Pay close attention to your partner’s body language for subtle clues to a change in mood. While words can mask feelings, the eyes tell the truth.
Being all talk and no action isn’t really your style. But you have to stay busy somehow when there’s just no action to drum up. Be careful not to miss a golden opportunity, though, by getting too wrapped up in cheap talk.