Taurus Daily Forecast

You might think that by giving yourself boundaries you’ll give yourself more self-discipline. This is definitely not the case, though, especially today when you’d be better off just letting yourself go. Enough with the self-imposed restrictions. You need some more freedom in your life, and you should give yourself that freedom. Don’t schedule everything down to the minute. Leave room for spontaneity and last-minute ideas. They’re usually the best, anyway.
If you’re questioning it, there’s a reason for that. Don’t ignore the part of you that’s calling attention to something bothersome. Your instincts may know a thing or two that your conscious mind doesn’t.
An undercurrent of tension in your relationship has you unhappy. Try to get to the root of the problem. Have you been avoiding a conversation about a difficult subject? Get it out in the open.
You’re finally have reason to be thankful for a blessing in disguise. Plenty of people are becoming too overwhelmed to go on. That nagging voice in your head won’t let you join their ranks.