Aquarius Daily Forecast

Today offers you a great chance to hand the reins over to someone else, which allows you to free up your time and investigate the things that truly interest you. Your schedule is much more flexible than you realize, and this flexibility might not last much longer. Act quickly to rearrange or reschedule stuff. People will be flexible, so go for broke. This window of opportunity is wide open right now. Climb through before it slams shut again.
Love is sure to resist direct advances today, but if you just enjoy the good times and love the world around you, you may find it when you stop looking. You’re irresistible when you’re having fun!
If you could feel differently, you would, and the same goes for your partner. But the truth is that you’re not in sync on this issue. Don’t force it. Just let this situation lie for a bit. Move slowly, if at all.
Don’t be caught unprepared. The only way to avoid it is to start planning ahead, way ahead. Think everything through before you have to decide one way or another. Consider your finances to be like a game of chess.