Cancer Daily Forecast

Someone who has been selflessly helping others is suddenly in need of help. Make sure you’re the one to lead the charge in coming to this generous soul’s aid. They deserve all the time, effort, and finances you can comfortably provide. Humility might cause this person to resist your overtures. Don’t be disrespectful, but keep trying until you succeed. You will feel a wonderful sense of accomplishment.
Today’s energy flow should give a whole new meaning to the word “hot.” The temperature is rising thanks to your personality, passion, and sheer force of will, not to mention your physical presence, so work it!
You’re so good at helping other people, cleaning up after your partner, tutoring your niece in algebra, getting the neighbor’s dry cleaning. But what about your needs? Take a little time for you too.
Don’t let the weekend just hang before you like a cavern in your path. You have to cross it to get to Monday, and more money. Start doing some planning.