Capricorn Daily Forecast

Something you’ve felt lurking just under the surface could start to reveal itself today, and the resulting emotional shift could make your day a confusing one. Therefore, try not to make any big commitments or sign any legal documents. For a little while, at least, you’ll have to take a “wait and see” attitude to a few things. What you need to do in your life may not be extremely clear right now, but you’ll have to learn how to be comfortable with that.
Lights, camera, action! You’re the star and the writer and the director. All you have to do is set up the scene the way you want it. Hilarious romantic comedy? Torrid love scene?
Your attention to detail will be important to your partner, so make sure you get it all right and remember everything they ask. You’ll be rewarded in a big way if you pull it off.
You’re feeling a bit gun shy. If taking a financial risk is the last thing you can imagine enjoying doing, then join the crowd. You won’t be alone in rushing to safety.