Gemini Daily Forecast

You’ve been riding on a wave of positive energy lately, and today it’s your task to help others get on that wave with you. It’s easy for you to create good times for your favorite people because you know them so well. So why not plan something that you know they’ll love? Be encouraging and try to help a sad friend see the positive things ahead. As for grumpy people, all it takes is a smile from you to get them to smile back.
Now is a great time to do something different, so ask a friend who knows you well to help you look through dating profiles. Changing up your romantic style could pay off!
Remember those promises you made your honey. Let them know you haven’t forgotten the things you said. You don’t have to do it all at once, but it’s time to get started.
The emotional upheaval you’ve experienced gets a proper send-off. It may be only symbolic, but take advantage of all the bells and whistles to give your dreary finances a burial at sea, complete with waiting sharks.