Aries Daily Forecast

Give yourself the gift of peace and quiet today. It’s not selfish to want to be by yourself. It’s healthy. You are in an inward phase now, which will help you recharge your emotional batteries, center yourself, and get better prepared to be there when the people you love need you most. Be honest with your needs, and as long as you keep your people in the loop, they’ll be cool with you pulling back from your social scene for a little while. Everyone needs a break now and then!
You might find yourself confiding in someone you’ve never trusted before. It’s a challenge to bust out of your comfort zone, but once you’re out, you’re surprised by how free you feel.
You may be in a funk, but try to force yourself to go along with your sweetie’s suggestions. You’ll have a much better time if you’re active than if you stick to one place, no matter how energetic you are.
Everyone is shopping around these days, and on one is in a hurry to make purchases. That suits your Taurus nature just fine, but not your wallet. Do what it takes to generate enthusiasm for what you have to offer.