Aries Daily Forecast

Not even the smallest details will escape your notice today! You’re tuned in. If a friend or co-worker got a haircut, you’ll be the first to notice. If they’ve lost weight, you’ll see their progress immediately. And if they’ve got that gleam in their eye, well, you’ll know their love life is going just fine! These observational skills should serve you well in more than just assessing other people’s personal lives. It should help you negotiate a very tricky deal, too.
Maybe you’re socially overcommitted, with a double- or triple-booked evening on the horizon, or perhaps you’re just plain tired. Don’t feel bad about (politely) bailing out and putting yourself first now.
Sometimes relationships are tough, and other times (like today) they’re easy and breezy. You’re having a great time, and most likely your partner is also feeling good about the way things are going between you.
It’s hard to clear your thoughts enough to face the week. Profits depend on it, so do what you have to. If coffee isn’t strong enough medicine, take a look at the numbers. That should wake you up.