Daily Forecast Aries 11-12


Aries Daily Forecast

Singles Lovescope
Daily Horoscope

Keep your sense of humor in check today. Don’t be hurtful just for the sake of a laugh. Right now, your energy is a bit uncontrollable, and if you get too carried away with the jokes and antics, you could easily step a little too far outside the boundaries of acceptable behavior. Sticking your foot in your mouth is never pleasant, but you can avoid it if you just stay aware of your surroundings. Show respect for the places you’ll be in, and take care of your reputation.

Singles Lovescope

Play it cool today even if you’re going nuts inside. Don’t let on for a minute you’re crazy about this person. Clinginess turns them off. Allow things to play out naturally. They’ll come around. Then watch the sparks fly.

Couple Lovescope

Help your partner organize their thoughts, especially if they’re getting caught up in needless repetition. You, out of all the signs, have the most stellar ability to separate the gold from the dross.


Goodwill is more important than ever. Good feelings are the rule rather than the exception today. But on the off chance you feel, well, off, know that it’s a temporary thing and not one to bet the bank on.



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