Cancer Daily Forecast

You’ve had just about all the fun you can stand with these feelings you’ve been keeping to yourself, and you’re finally ready to talk about everything. If someone else will be affected, consider that before you start. If not, the decision is yours alone. But if this is a truly personal issue, something you’d prefer not become grist for the gossip mill, don’t confide in anyone who hasn’t already proven their loyalty.
Lucky, lucky you. Literally. The stars are smiling on your every endeavor, especially in the romance department. Your frankness and sense of humor are completely disarming.
Go over the details of any upcoming travel plans with your partner now, so you have time to make any necessary changes. Encourage them to share their ideas to ensure both of you get what you want.
For once you’re happy you have a leader to guide you instead of wishing you had more independence than you do. They have a lot of insight and valuable advice for you today, so listen up.