Cancer Daily Forecast

Your energy is driving you hard to turn your attention toward some big personal issue that is likely to end in an argument with someone. You’re not crazy about engaging in that particular sport, but every now and then it’s just about impossible to avoid. If money is the issue and you need to draw a line in the sand, or maybe just have a serious talk about a debt a loved one owes you, go for it ASAP.
You’re eager to start dating again, but postpone any plans you might have. Your attention is best spent working on your personal goals first. Once those are set, prioritize your dating life.
While your relationship is smooth sailing, your friends might be suffering through a love affair worthy of a soap opera. Delve into your experience and offer advice when needed.
Some days you can’t be bothered with other people’s problems, and no one can motivate your sense of compassion. Not today. It’s hard to ignore the needs of others and your ability to help is glaringly obvious. Give.