Cancer Daily Forecast

Even if things seem to be proceeding superbly, you can’t help but worry about the other shoe dropping soon. Your pessimism isn’t doing you any favors, so let go of it for now. You may expect perfection even when it’s not possible, and you’ve got to deal with that too. For now, though, what you really want is well within the realm of possibility. Don’t beat yourself up. Just take your time and do things right so you can stop worrying.
Misunderstandings may dominate your day. Listen closely when people engage you in conversation. Paying attention is key if you want to avoid further opportunities to misread the situation at hand.
Your emotions are going through the wringer at the moment, though most of it is coming from outside the relationship. You can get solid support from your partner if you reach out and ask for it.
If you’re still trying to make more money in your current position, you’re not alone. Whether much can be achieved is up in the air, but doing some research is a must before moving forward.