Cancer Daily Forecast

Your obsession with fairness is going to cause you more stress than generate benefits right now, so don’t spend so much time trying to calculate whether everything is completely equal. It’s probably not going to be. And that’s okay. Sure, gross inequities should be dealt with, but if someone is getting a little bit more time or a little bit more money than someone else, it’s not the end of the world. Focus on more productive, positive things today.
It’s quite easy for you to talk to people (even more so than usual), and you’ve got a real knack for getting inside their head quickly. Have a video chat with someone new.
You have a strong intellectual connection to your partner. By sharing the things that you are passionate about, you are able to create a bond that transcends the physical.
Necessity is indeed the mother of invention. You’re coming up with some pretty crazy ideas but some of them just might work. You’ll never know unless you try, though, so get down to brass tacks.