Daily Forecast Cancer 11-13


Cancer Daily Forecast

Singles Lovescope
Daily Horoscope

You’re just not super aware right now. In fact, the walls could fall down today and you’d just keep chattering on, oblivious to what’s going on around you (luckily, there aren’t any big crises you have to worry about). The upside is that you’re capable of creating a new reality for yourself. You don’t like some aspect of your life? Mix it up and explore something different. There is real power in that.

Singles Lovescope

You’re totally enthusiastic today because you know the possibilities are endless. Choose a goal that focuses on your overall improvement. Make sure it’s something you really want, not just words that sound good on paper.

Couple Lovescope

It’s tempting to think the ends justify the means, especially in a relationship, but unwholesome means lead to unwholesome ends. Stay on the up-and-up when dealing with your partner.


You are putting the kibosh on your own enthusiasm. Don’t bring yourself down like that. It’s like trying to put a saddle on a bull, but try getting a grip on your negativity. It is having a profound effect on your bank account.



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