Capricorn Daily Forecast

Draw on your compassion to deal with a friend who’s feeling moody and low today. They’ve had a rough time, and even if your experiences differ, you have to be sympathetic about where they are in life. Walk around in their shoes for a few hours today. You’ll soon see that if you had to deal with what they’re dealing with, you’d pretty much be in the same type of mood. Bring more empathy back into your life. It will help you understand.
As you get older and wiser, you realize that love is more satisfying when it’s at least somewhat stable. Drama and action may be fun, but it’s not the most sustainable or healthiest way to live.
Today is one of those rare flawless days, so make the most of it and include your partner. Take the day off and do something you’ll both enjoy. Take advantage of the moment while you can.
Don’t share your innermost self. The nuggets found there are for you and you alone. You can talk about lots of things without giving away your most valuable asset: The real you.