Capricorn Daily Forecast

You’ve been privy to top-secret info lately and on the receiving end of several monologues you never wanted to hear in the first place. The good news is that you’re well equipped to handle it all and handle it well. The bad news can’t touch you as long as you keep on moving. Just do what you do best and keep quiet, smile, and let the Universe know that you’re ready for whatever comes next.
It’s dangerous to assume that your latest romantic interest intuitively knows what’s on your mind and what you need. Be an adult. It’s time to assume responsibility for fulfilling your own desires.
Communication gets tricky on days like this. It seems like your sweetheart is talking, but all you’re hearing are beeps and whistles. Laugh it off. Before you know it, the lines will be free of static again.
You’re good at figuring out the numbers, down to the penny. Be just as precise when it comes to helping friends. The small details make all the difference in the world.