Daily Forecast Leo 06-11


Leo Daily Forecast

Singles Lovescope
Daily Horoscope

Everything is falling nicely into place, and you couldn’t be having a lovelier day. All the harmony you’re experiencing in your life right now is due mostly to the fact that you and all your friends or coworkers are focusing on the creative side of things and waiting until ideas are solidified before putting them into action. It’s wise not to rush ahead of yourself, because if you do, you could paint yourself into a corner that will be nearly impossible to get out of.

Singles Lovescope

By experiencing new things in life, you can keep ennui at bay. Today (and every day) make an effort to try something new. Order a different dish off the menu. Detour through an unknown neighborhood. Flirt with a stranger.

Couple Lovescope

Maybe you decide to communicate with your partner by semaphore, or to have a talk about finances in pig latin. Whatever way you choose to chat today, it’s sure to be silly, stimulating, and hilarious.


Things are finally starting to change. You have plenty of small issues to deal with, but they’re all starting to add up to something bigger than mere survival. Don’t lose site of your real goals.



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