Pisces Daily Forecast

E-mails may be efficient and convenient, but they aren’t the best way to get your message across today. Misinterpretation is bound to pop happen when a person can’t understand your tone of voice, so try to deliver all messages in person or by video chat. Plus, if there’s any confusion, it’s much easier to clear it up when you’re looking at someone as you explain yourself. Besides, it offers you another opportunity to connect with people on a deeper level.
Change is in the air today, and your romantic consciousness may see this as a very good thing. What if you could transform your heart, your mind, your world? Envision it now and take a great leap forward.
Before you get worked up about something, know all the facts. It may help to talk about it with your partner. They may be able to offer you some insight or show you another perspective.
Your current project is less than ideal. But you can change things for the better a lot easier than you can stew over the way things are. Start sending out some feelers. Responses will be more positive than you imagine.