Pisces Daily Forecast

You’re doing your best to navigate an emotional minefield blindfolded, and no one seems willing to guide you. But you don’t need them. Distract yourself in any way you can. Try to remember that time really does heal all wounds and that you have your own life to live. In other words, make your plans with confidence. Your loved ones will get over it. Or not. Either way, remember you can only do so much and then move on.
The class or office clown has suddenly focused on you. You might think they’re too weird, but you have to admit they make you laugh. Can you look past the silly exterior and give them a real chance?
Your partner’s latest idea just won’t fly, and you can see that. It won’t be easy, but try to find a diplomatic way to let them down without making them feel bad. You can do it if anyone can.
If you’re not open to change, then it’s not likely to find you. But that rule only applies to positive change. The negative variety can sniff you out no matter where you try to hide. Doesn’t it make more sense to be open?