Pisces Daily Forecast

Try to be more open about your fears and worries. Doing so might leave you feeling vulnerable, but it will definitely take a huge burden off your shoulders. As soon as you start to talk you’ll feel relief. Share your emotions with others, and find out what they would do if they were in your shoes. You don’t have to seek the comfort of someone who knows you well. Sometimes the less someone knows about you, the safer they can make you feel.
Today’s a good time to kick back and slow down. Plan a chill evening and relax. Order take-out for dinner and catch up on your favorite shows. Call up your best friend and discuss your latest crush.
You might not realize what you’re signing on for this morning when you say yes without thinking, but if you decide that you need to back out, you’ll have the will to say so this evening.
You know the phrase, once burned, twice shy. You’ve taken some financial risks and now you’re being extra cautious of others. That’s both wise and necessary. In fact, make it your new MO.