Pisces Daily Forecast

Even though there is some injustice going on in your world, your inner warrior may not feel like coming out today. Is it time to force it to come out for the sake of someone’s honor? It might be. Ask yourself what you would want if you were in the other person’s shoes and you’ll have your answer. It might be more convenient to just pretend you don’t notice what’s really going on, but you’re better than that. Speak up when you see something wrong. It’s the right thing to do.
You seem to have nothing in common with this new person. While you’re classic, they’re all about the latest thing. While you’re filet mignon, they’re chicken nuggets. Maybe you can complement each other’s strengths!
You’ve got a certain genius when it comes to romance at the moment, one that encompasses the intellectual, the emotional, and (yes!) the physical. Show your partner just how smart you are.
You don’t have to choose between feeling intellectual and feeling romantic. Money is the best way to tie those two feelings together. Be smart about what you spend your money on when it comes to love and you will have successfully put two and two together, at least for a day.