Pisces Daily Forecast

Use your imagination, your most vivid dreams, and even your wildest fantasies to help you gain the insight you’ve been seeking. You have been somewhat suspicious of someone for a while, but haven’t been able to figure out why. Could your creativity help you connect the dots? Come up with a theory or two about what’s been going on, and talk about it with mutual acquaintances. They have additional information that can help you figure out your feelings once and for all.
Today it may feel like your whole world is on a runaway roller coaster of emotions. Get a better grip on your feelings by learning a few stress management techniques. Try meditating or taking a hot bath before bedtime so you can get a restful sleep.
Spending could be an issue for you two today, and the odds are that your partner is trying to rein it in. There’s no need for a blowout. Just make sure you don’t give up more than you really want.
It’s hard not to feel like a victim, but that is faulty thinking. You don’t have to analyze things very deeply to see that you are not the center of the world, and certainly not the financial world, but sometimes you need a little reminder. You know in your heart that your financial future is ultimately not up to fate — but you.