Cancer Daily Forecast

Sure, your energy may be lagging a little bit now, but so what? Give yourself a break and stop pushing so hard to be so much to so many people. All you really need right now is some rest. If you can, take a nap today. Reschedule a meeting or appointment that you’re dreading. Ask for some help getting things done. The work will be more enjoyable, plus it might even help perk up your energy so you can end this day on a high note.
Saying yes to new projects is fun and exciting, but you could be agreeing to too many work activities when your social calendar is already full. It’s better to politely decline than disappoint those depending on you to do your part.
Things are pretty darn good between you two right now — but that doesn’t mean you don’t want even more! Lay it out for your partner and see how they respond. It might take some negotiation.
You might have some extra chips, but that’s not something you want to show off in this economy. In other words, being flamboyant is more of a problem than it’s worth, so tune it down.