Cancer Daily Forecast

It’s usually a great idea to have a direct manner with people, but sometimes it’s much smarter to be subtle in your communication. Drop a hint and see if anyone picks up on it. Even if all you want to do is start a conversation, let someone else be the one to start it. Plant the seed with a brief mention of a tempting topic, and the curiosity of the people you’re with will take it from there. You’re capable of being provocative without being pushy right now.
Sure, security has its plusses. Okay, it has a lot of plusses. Guess what security doesn’t have? That cute individual who gets you trembling with insecurity whenever your eyes meet.
Your partner’s totally bluffing. Wait — or are they? It’s hard to tell when one or the both of you start laughing and throw the game off course. Well, it doesn’t matter in the long run if you two are having fun.
Refocusing on mundane details is difficult. You much prefer the otherworldly buzz of the last few days. But while bills and receipts aren’t that important in the big picture, they demand your attention today. Sigh and tell yourself you can deal with them.