Daily Forecast Capricorn 11-22


Capricorn Daily Forecast

Singles Lovescope
Daily Horoscope

No one needs to know what you do with your free time unless you want them to know. A person has a right to their privacy. Remember this right when a certain nosey nobody comes sniffing at your door, or pawing through your personal business. Sure, maybe they’re just trying to start some small talk with an innocent-sounding question. But there is no reason to spill details about yourself unless you want to. Opening your life to anyone — no matter how nice they are — is your choice.

Singles Lovescope

You’re not quite where you want to be right now when it comes to romance. Lying about bemoaning this fact doesn’t get you any further, of course. Try to honestly think things through, then make an action plan!

Couple Lovescope

Catch up with your loved one over a relaxing dinner. Plan the menu together, then divide up the kitchen duties. You work well as a team, so your results are sure to be delicious!


Money talks, and it’s not idle chatter. You can’t get any doors to open without it. It’s the only form of communication that can’t be misread today, so don’t waste time talking, or attempting any mind reading, either.



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