Capricorn Daily Forecast

Every word you utter will have a solid, grounded tone to it, so when you’re asked for your opinion (or even if you’re not), you’ll be more than happy to give it. This easy confidence comes to you courtesy of the cosmos, which is in a warm, loving, equally confident mood and determined to make the rest of us feel that way too.
Your hard work is appreciated by friends and colleagues. But instead of hogging the spotlight, why not let others have a chance to get a few pats on the back? After all, without them you wouldn’t be the asset you are today.
Your partner admires your poise, especially when you two are dealing with touchy family members or coworkers. Somehow you know how to put someone in their place and be gracious. That’s quite a gift.
You can start new financial plans by working on projects around the house. Once you tidy up, you’ll be that much more organized come Monday morning, and that translates into more profit.